Pink Slime
“Pink Slime” is the 2nd studio album by the Swiss (noise? jazz? performance?) trio previously known as White Pulse.
It spans a wide range of styles, as is typical for the band, drawing on diverse stylistic inspirations, ranging from Noise (or harsh noise) to J-Pop, Jazz, Techno, Glam Rock, Black Metal, Garage, or Post-punk. The group often plays with the concept of a cover, remix or citation, going so far as to include a cover of a previous cover, both of which feature on “Pink Slime”.
Always taking their live performances as a departure point for recordings, the album includes two ten-minute long improvisations SOFT and LOUD, as well as a heavy-handed suggestion of a cover (WER NIE VERLIERT, HAT DEN SIEG NICHT VERDIENT) for the Slovenian group Laibach.
“Pink Slime” continues to tease out a variety of extremes in style, listening experience, playing experience and content. Despite the trio maintaining their motivation for writing new tracks often stems from an intellectual curiosity or dilemma, the album is very physical in nature and experience. The group pursued their past work with improvisation and improvisational tools in the making of “Pink Slime”.
Themes featuring on the album and the corresponding performances include endurance, mainstream culture, overwhelm, and citation or parody.creditsreleased June 18, 2021
Philipp Saner, guitar, electronics, voice
Pablo Lienhard, saxophone, electronics
Florian Kolb, drums
recorded by Samuel Meier
A1, B1, B2 mixed by Utku Tavil
A2, B4 mixed by Ruedi Tobler
A3 mixed by Flo Götte
mastered by Lasse Marhaug
all tracks composed by Pink Slime except: „Barbie Girl“ by Aqua „Cherry Bon Bon“ by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu „Wer nie verliert, hat den Sieg nicht verdient“ by Udo Jürgens
introduction and liner notes by Nata Prezant
graphic design by Pablo Lienhard
recorded in May 2020
supported by Popkredit der Stadt Zürich
It spans a wide range of styles, as is typical for the band, drawing on diverse stylistic inspirations, ranging from Noise (or harsh noise) to J-Pop, Jazz, Techno, Glam Rock, Black Metal, Garage, or Post-punk. The group often plays with the concept of a cover, remix or citation, going so far as to include a cover of a previous cover, both of which feature on “Pink Slime”.
Always taking their live performances as a departure point for recordings, the album includes two ten-minute long improvisations SOFT and LOUD, as well as a heavy-handed suggestion of a cover (WER NIE VERLIERT, HAT DEN SIEG NICHT VERDIENT) for the Slovenian group Laibach.
“Pink Slime” continues to tease out a variety of extremes in style, listening experience, playing experience and content. Despite the trio maintaining their motivation for writing new tracks often stems from an intellectual curiosity or dilemma, the album is very physical in nature and experience. The group pursued their past work with improvisation and improvisational tools in the making of “Pink Slime”.
Themes featuring on the album and the corresponding performances include endurance, mainstream culture, overwhelm, and citation or parody.creditsreleased June 18, 2021
Philipp Saner, guitar, electronics, voice
Pablo Lienhard, saxophone, electronics
Florian Kolb, drums
recorded by Samuel Meier
A1, B1, B2 mixed by Utku Tavil
A2, B4 mixed by Ruedi Tobler
A3 mixed by Flo Götte
mastered by Lasse Marhaug
all tracks composed by Pink Slime except: „Barbie Girl“ by Aqua „Cherry Bon Bon“ by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu „Wer nie verliert, hat den Sieg nicht verdient“ by Udo Jürgens
introduction and liner notes by Nata Prezant
graphic design by Pablo Lienhard
recorded in May 2020
supported by Popkredit der Stadt Zürich

White Pulse (2017-2020)
„Die rote Kappe rückwärts, die kenn ich doch, das weiße Unterhemd, die Zahnlücke, ja, WHITE PULSE sind Wiederholungstäter. Als Jazzcoreraptoren der heftigsten Sorte mit Drums (Florian Kolb), Painkillersax (Pablo Lienhard) und Massacregitarre (Philipp Saner). Schnell und schneller, laut und lauter, tief und tiefer, Knatter-Fetz-Ratzfatz, der die Trommelfelle wimmern, Pferde kotzen lässt. Maximales Öhrenböhren, mit brachialer Rifferei, pollernder Doublebassdrum, Saxloop, schriller Kakophonie. Gerissene Saiten greifen dem Hirnriss vor, Noiseeffekte schmieren blutige Schlieren, Gerumpel und ostinat hupendes Sax schlagen auf der Brooklynskala bis zur 8 aus. Nach zehn Minuten ist scheinbar alles gesagt. Also Licht an, nein, Licht aus, für eine Zigarettenpause im Qualmverbot, zu einem ohne Tempolimit rasenden Motorrad als heulender Schikane auf Videoleinwand. Bis ein Countdown runterzählt ins dritte Viertel - eine herrliche Veräppelung von Udo Jürgens im Rammstein-Heino-Stil, mit Keyboardschmus: Wer nie verliert, hat den Sieg nicht verdient. Dann, vierte Stufe dieses Schleudergangs nach therapeutischem Konzept, stehen die drei, erst als VEffekt auf der Leinwand, dann in corpore insano, wieder auf, um ihren Traum zu rock'n'rollen. Als ultrakakophonen Rotz-Kotz-Spaß bis zum Abwinken, als Laut-Leise, Hardcore-Ohrwurm-Wechselbad, das die Verblendung und den ganzen turboliberalistischen Hirnschiss rauszwingt, mit Drumsolo und Humpabeat. Die Schädel knallen an die Schallmauer, schmeißfliegenstur, mit spotzendem Zweiklang und weiter vollstoff. Circulus vitiosus, als schrappeliger Exzess und knatternde Verausgabung. Derbe Lektion, Alter. Aber an uns alte Säcke ist dieser Madness-Marathon eigentlich verschwendet, wir setzen doch fast schon den Blinker bei 'Nächste Ausfahrt: »Haus Abendfriede«'. Die Zürcher haben in ihrer Fast'n'Furiousness und ihrem Satanicpornocultshop-Spirit doch das Zeug, eine ganze Jugendbewegung zu kicken. Als Mitnehmsel verkaufen sie Tütchen mit CD-Splittern. Broken Music rules!“Karl-Heinz Heidenreich after our concert at Immerhin Würzburg on October 20th 2019.

Why you should never go to a White Pulse gig (2019)
The Fast and the Furious 9 (2019 Album)
The Fast and the Furious 9 is the long-awaited EP of the #workoutjazz trio White Pulse. It features a diversity of material recorded during a studio session in March 2018. The single of the album "The Fast and the Furious 9" is a concept composition re-contextualising excerpts of the different improvisations. All tracks were improvised by White Pulse, except "I Wanna Be Your Dog"
by The Stooges, and "鐘を鳴らして (Ring a Bell)" by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.creditsreleased March 9, 2019
Philipp Saner, guitar/vocals/electronics
Pablo Lienhard, saxophone/electronics/no-input mixer
Florian Kolb, drums
Mixed and Mastered by Nicolas Müller
Recorded in Zürich, CH in March 2018
All tracks by White Pulse, except "I Wanna Be Your Dog" by The Stooges, and "鐘を鳴らして (Ring a Bell)" by Kyary Pamyu Pamyu.

“The Fast and the Furious 9” limited physical edition handmade with love by White Pulse (2019)
past shows
06/12/2019 – Madness #5: Zürich, Ebrietas
25/10/2019 – Bern (CH), Schwarztor75
22/10/2019 – Fribourg (CH), Fri-Art:cine-concert feat. "la terre" (1930)
21/10/2019 – München (DE), Glockenbachwerkstatt
20/10/2019 – Würzburg (DE), Immerhin
19/10/2019 – Zeulenroda (DE), Schieszhaus
18/10/2019 – Bremen (DE), Tor 9
17/10/2019 – Witten (DE), Hausmeisterwohnung
12/10/2019 – Zürich (CH), White Pulse Marathon 2019
15/06/2019: Madness #4:
18/05/2019: Madness #3: harder, better, faster, stronger
20/04/2019: Madness #2: consumer – worker
12/04/2019 – Bern, Schwarztor
11/04/2019 – Genève, L’écurie
23/03/2019 – Winterthur, private event
09/03/2019: Madness #1
08/03/2019 – Zürich, RALA Feast of the Peasant
28/02/2019 – Bern, Schwob-Haus
04/01/2019 – Wunderkammer, Zürich
21/10/2018 – DE Tour, Würzburg, Immerhin
19/10/2018 – DE Tour, Halle
18/10/2018 – DE Tour, Loophole, Berlin
17/10/2018 – DE Tour, Berlin, Geyger Art Gallery
13/10/2018 – WHITE PULSE MARATHON (Myzke, Zürich)
7/10/2018 – Bern, “Connecting the Pieces” Festival, Cabane B
05/07/2018 – Zürich, Kunst am Bauen // Wunderkammer
22/06/2018 – La Chaux-de-fonds, L'Entre-Deux
15/06/2018 – Zürich, WIM
19/05/2018 – Zürich, Rhizom Festival
14,15 & 19/05/2018 – Zürich, Néboa Festival Atmosphérique
01/05/2018 – Zürich, das Institut => "Das neue Babylon" (UdSSR 1929, 97 min)
31/03/2018 – Biel, La Voirie
29/03/2018 – Uster, pam! Platz für andere Musik
07/12/2017 – Zürich, Ebrietas